Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A quickie...
minds out of the gutter people... a quickie post not a quickie anything else lol.
I just wanted to say a massive thanks to all the people who commented on the last post for all their support and lovely comments!
Im over that little adventure and have 2 other amazing DT opportunities that I know are going to be much more fun and productive!
But today...
I have heaps to do... Rod is turning 30 tomorrow... and well poor Rod... something always seems to happen to cause his birthday not to turn out exactly fantastic so this year I am hoping to make it a birthday to remember!
Then on saturday Abbee has an eistedfod... so need to finish off her costume (which means sticking some sequins on lol) and get all her stuff organised.
Sunday planning on not doing alot.
And Monday is my birthday... but as yet no plans for anything. Im pretty sure Rod is working and the kids will be at school & dancing etc. So just a nice quiet day alone.
But today... I am off to try and organise some cool things for Rod for tomorrow!
Written by Rachy at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lessons Learned...
When it comes to Design Teams I am no expert... when it comes to scrapping in general I am no expert... but over the last few weeks I have learned a couple of massive lessons about how online stuff works and in particular Design Teams.
So my advice to one and all...
Be Aware... dont take a DT position unless you are familiar with the person running the show. I dont mean knowing them irl... these days thats not gonna happen often but just make sure its someone you know online fairly well and someone you can trust.
Same goes for the site... everyone has to start somewhere... but when its a brand new venture and you dont know the person running it... well be aware! Check things out... read the forums etc well and if ANYTHING raises suspicions then be careful.
And... I would also suggest to ANY person starting up a scrapping store and forum online... you do not need 10 (yep TEN) DT members... alot of sites that have been running well for a length of time does not have that many DT members.
I also advise that 3 months probation does not always mean 3 months probation.
Why this little rant you may ask?
Tonight myself and several others have been "stood down" from the DT at Addicted2Scrapping... I myself was not given a specific reason... however Dee (who is an amazing scrapper and gorgeous person btw) was told she apparently did not fulfill her commitments? WTF? She did way more than I did in the few short weeks we had the positions? Its weird. Its suss and there were a few other things I just feel were not quiet right there. So if you get an offer to be on a DT there... be warned. Something stinks and it aint the adhesives.
Thankfully the other two awsome design positions I have are with amazing people who I trust and who I know are stand up people who would never screw anyone over. So if you can totally check out Hybrid Designs and Wicked Princesses... coz they rock big time! And honestly they shit all over A2S.
Otherwise... Im sick... sore neck, headache etc. Have hardly been able to keep my head up let alone get on the computer for long... and have not even been near my scrap table since last week. It sucks. Im over it. I just want to feel better before friday so I can do something with rod for his birthday.
So all in all pretty shitty here today!
Written by Rachy at 10:47 PM 12 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Totally Awsome, Excellent Stuff!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok first of all I have been hanging... sitting here just going insane wanting to share this but had to wait till the time was right... and the time is right... right NOW!
See this site...
Well they totally rock... and the gorgeous Wicked Princess Karen and Wicked Princess Tam have asked me... yep ME... to be on their DT!
I am so excited and cant wait to play with some of their awsome kits!
Thrilled just doesnt even half begin to describe how I feel right now hehe.
So totally check out the september kits they have posted tonight... and keep an eye out for more! Did I mention how excited I was about this... coz seriously I am so so so excited!
And on the scrapping front here...
I did this page for a challenge at Mystical... set by the very glamorous and talented Toni M! Man she rocks and if you could see her MSN avatar... well lets just say I know my answer when Rove asks me who Id turn gay for lmao. I wish she had a blog I could send you all to check out...
Anyway... I did this for her challenge... I know its a bit manic looking or random as my kids would say lol. But I love that sometimes... just throwing stuff around till it looks cool.
I also made these cards today.... frog theme hehe... cute eh?
And another page... for Mystical again...
Today I have also made cupcakes (felt and glitter ones lol) and am planning on doing some more stuff tomorrow.
On a roll this week... and loving it... hehe.
And a massive shout out to my friend Mel... Hybrid Scrapbooking has opened its forum this week and oh what a forum it is! Lots of fun being had over there... people running with scissors all over the joint... going off like a frog in a blender! The shop wont be far away so be sure and come join in the fun of the forum! (And contrary to what you may read there... I do not have any bladder control issues at all... well no more than any other almost 31 yo mother of 2.)
So thats all my exciting news for today... life is good... :-)
Written by Rachy at 10:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Massive thanks to Kirsty for giving me this award!The rules for the award are - (1) The winner can put the logo on theirblog. (2) Link the person you received your award from. (3) Nominate at least 7other blogs. (4) Put links of those on yours. (5) Leave a message on the blogsof the girls or boys you’ve nominated.
So now I have to pick some people to award!
Kayla's blog is unreal... she is so talented and cool!
Jen Hall's blog is so bright and happy and she just rocks big time!
Tam has an awsome blog... and I love her work!
Binxcat's blog rocks... love looking at her awsome scrapping!
I love Aussie Scrap Music coz they have cool challenges!
Black Magic is also great for cool challenges.
And I just love the randomness of Cake Wrecks!
I did this page last night for the colour challenge at Mystical...
Written by Rachy at 2:37 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Manic Monday...
As I said in my last post... more pages done over the weekend on my scrapping bender lol. The journalling area in this page is still blank coz I need some info about this house. I was 3 when we lived there so dont really remember anything. lol.
Written by Rachy at 9:20 AM 3 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Been on a bit of a scrapping bender... lots to show off tonight and a few more still to get pics of tomorrow...
This one is for the Book of Me challenge over at Addicted2Scrapping... The theme was "I am" and I used some lyrics from "I am what I am" by Gloria Gaynor... I love the ones I wrote around the photo... "I am good I am strong I am worthy I belong I am useful I am true I am somebody"... something Ive come to realise as Ive got older.
Addicted2Scrapping is also holding blind scrapping this weekend... being run by the very talented and super clever Dee! So totally check that out! In fact theres tonnes of cool stuff there to be checked out!
This one is for Black Magics second August challenge... (How gorgeous is my nephew??? hehe)
And that was all 126 pages I had done so far this year...
Well... Ive added 12 more since thursday. (Didn't scrap any pages on wednesday... did OTP stuff instead).
And now I am off to sleep... (already in bed lol). Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!
Written by Rachy at 2:37 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Yep... what more do you wanna do with your life than this? lol
How cute is this little scrapbooker dolly... i want one...
I totally PMSL when I saw this...
I want one... bad.
Thats all.
Written by Rachy at 2:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Just stuff...
Not alot happening here... so just thought I would share some pics...
I moved and reorganised my scrap space last week...
See... Rachy scraps on Rodeo Drive! hehe
This is my entry for Black Magic...
Written by Rachy at 12:53 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
It's like totally tuesday!
I love tuesdays... I don't have to go anywhere... I just get to stay home and do stuff... everyone else is at work & school so I have the place to myself (until 3pm anyway lol).
So on this glorious tuesday (it is a stunning day here on the coast!) I am planning on scrapping up a storm with my DT Kit from Addicted2Scrapping, finishing off some swap stuff and getting a present finished.
So... now some pics to share...
This layout is for the colour challenge at Mystical:
I sorted out my "albums" this morning... this is all the pages Ive done this year... all 126 of them lol. I am wondering if I can catch up and end up with 365 by the end of the year...
And finally... perhaps my good mood today has something to do with this...
I had the best nights sleep... I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve my new mattress & pillow! The new sheets etc all felt soooooooooooo nice too.
And... if you like a laugh or just to be baffled by what some people think is good... check out the Cake Wrecks blog... I cant remember how I stumbled across it but its pretty funny... especially the baby shower cakes!
So off to scrap for me!
I hope you have a wonderful, awsome tuesday too!
Written by Rachy at 10:21 AM 3 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Flat Chat!
Well word must have got around that our yard is the coolest place for unusual birds... actually because of all the gardens etc we get ALOT of birds in our yard... magpies, minors etc. But on friday night we had possibly the most coolest bird ever (and the scariest in my opinion lol)...
It was hard to get decent photos because it was night time and also because I was a bit scared (ie: shitting myself) to get too close in case it attacked me or something.
So after the excitement of the owl I managed to have a very productive weekend... got a load of challenges done which thrills me! hehe
This one is for White With 1 August challenge (Yellow & Flowers)
(I love this photo of Abbee... so happy and cheerful I think so totally appropriate for a yellow layout!)
This one is for the Don't Quote Me challenge at Mystical.
This one is for the August challenge at Aussie Scrap Music. (My dad loved this one so much he is keeping it lmao)
This one is for the August DT challenge at Mystical.
This one is the sketch challenge at Mystical.
And this one is for Mystical 26 challenge... we had to cut our photo! (Man I love that photo of Jed... think Ive scrapped it a few times already but its soooooo cool... he looks so little against the ocean and I love how his reflection can be seen on the wet sand etc.)
I also won two challenges from last weekends cyber crop at Mystical... soooooooo exciting!
I am now waiting on my DT kit from Addicted2Scrapping to arrive... hopefully some time today! Michelle is working so hard getting the shop all organised and she is getting new stuff all the time so be sure to check out whats happening there regularly. I am also going to be organising a recipe card swap for over there starting in September... so that is sure to be fun... food & scrapping... does it get any better?
We have the Hybrid Designs Cyber Crop on 22nd August which should be loads of fun! Mel is hoping to have the shop and proper website up and running really soon so keep an eye on our Facebook group to know whats happening.
And finally... I am so excited because today my new mattress is being delivered! Rod and I have suffered with our old one for months now... and on the weekend we bit the bullet and went and got a new one on interest free. We also threw in new sheets, doona, doona cover & pillows... omg I cant wait till its all made tonight with all our new GOOD stuff. (Seriously Ive never spent more than like maybe $40 on a set of sheets and then I felt like that was wrong lol but I am now older and wiser and with my new wisdom Ive realised you get what you pay for lol.) So yep we spoilt ourselves but this is our birthday presents and anniversary presents to each other for this year (these are all coming up soon). So I will probably be back to show off some pics later tonight or tomorrow!
Until then... MWAH!
Written by Rachy at 12:56 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Yum Yum...
We had a little visitor this afternoon in our yard... stayed long enough to let me go back inside and get the camera and even posed for some pics lol.
This is my entry for round one of Gladiators over at Mystical...
We also got challenged to change our avatars...
so meet... Sparkles...
And finally I did this painting for our dining area...
"Yum Yum Pigs Bum" is something thats been said in my family for as long as I can remember so I thought this would be a cute and appropriate addition to the dining area. Hopefully it gives those who see it a giggle too.
So on top of all that... Ive been flat chat all week cleaning and sorting stuff out ready for our inspection tomorrow. I kinda figured I needed to clean up a bit for that so I might as well get in a do a big spring clean. The house is looking and feeling fabbo so its been worth it... almost lol.
Addicted2Scrapping is now all up and running... the shop, the forum and all. So come over and check it out... there is loads going on there with give aways etc for the opening and challenges! So looking forward to being part of the team there... loads of stuff happening and lots of wonderful talented girls to hang with!
I also have another secret... I know... not fair... but its cool and all will be revealed soon I promise. I just cant believe everything thats happening lately.
And thats about it! Im hoping that after my huge week of cleaning etc to get stuck into some serious scrapping on the weekend. So keep checkin back early next week hopefully for a load of pages!
Nighty Night!
Written by Rachy at 12:15 AM 3 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
OMG.... So excited I think I might explode....
I think this week has been one of the best weeks ever as far as my scrapping goes.
As I posted last time... I won 2 challenges over at Mystical... which in itself thrilled me to bits coz there are some unreal scrappers over there! Those competition is tough man!
Then Mel asked me to be on the DT at Hybrid... which just excited the crap outta me... Ive set my first challenge over there too so make sure you check it out if your scrap inclined! lol
Then just when I thought it couldnt get any more exciting... Michelle from Addicted2Scrapping emailed me and invited me to be on her Design Team as well!!!!
I swear if anything else happens in the next few days it may take me some time to peel myself off the floor!
So its all happening... and I am excited! I love scrapping and would do it regardless... but to be noticed in these ways is just icing on the cake and makes me happy!
I cant wait to see where this awsome art/craft/hobby is going to take me next!
Did I mention I was excited?
Anyway... Ive done a few pages this weekend... not as many as I would have liked but that happens sometimes...
This is my example for the August challenge at Hybrid:
And these three are for the Cyber Crop at Mystical:
Written by Rachy at 11:40 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Exciting News!
I can finally share my secret! Its so exciting!
The lovely Mel has invited me to be on the Design Team at her new online scrap store! I am soooooo thrilled to be offered this position and cant wait to get into it! The store "Hybrid Designs Scrapbooking" will be up and running very soon and until then Mel has created an awsome facebook group! You can find us HERE. So come along and join the fun!
I also had a good day over at Mystical... winning 2 challenges! Very excited about that!
Got a few pics to share of some new layouts Ive done...
Written by Rachy at 10:38 PM 1 comments