emo cupcakes, dinosaurs, fairies, self portraits, insomnia, teeth & dancing...
Yeah not normally things that go together but this week at my house... they have lol.
Managed to get a fair bit of scrapping done this week... loving that!
A couple of weeks ago I was lucky to win access to Jen Hall's 31 Layouts in 31 Days class... loving that sick... she rocks!
So this is the first layout I did from her class...
This one is for OLW challenge...
After the apparent popularity of my cupcake cards among Abbee's friends Abbee has asked me to make a couple more for some friends... but this week's took the cake (pun intended lol)... Abbee: "Mum could you make an emo cupcake card?"
Me: "What's an emo cupcake? A cake that cuts itself?"
Abbee: "Your not funny."
Me: "I am funny on MY planet."
Abbee: "Well can you make one please?"
So this is what I came up with...
Jed has a project to do about a dinosaur... they are learning all about them at school and Jed is loving it. I am loving hearing words like "herbivore" and "carnivore" coming out of his mouth... it just seems like the words are bigger than he is lol.
So we decided to make a papier mache bracheosaurus (sp?)... Jed has been helping a bit but (as usual lol) Ive ended up doing most of the work... which is leaving me wondering if building dinosaurs is a good idea?
Tonight as I uploaded pics of scrap layouts I discovered Jed has also taken a liking to photography... among roughly 50 odd pics of matchbox cars and the tv I found a few self portraits... this one was too cute not to share...
Its that time of year again and last weekend we had the first photo day at dancing... hopefully will have some gorgeous dancing pics to share in a couple of weeks... the costumes this year are awesome!
This is pic is one that one of Abbee's friends took outside the studio while they were waiting the other day to get their professional one done...
Other stuff... had another tooth pulled on monday... an agonising experience considering this one had to be cut in half before they could pull it out... been feeling pretty sore and sorry for myself since monday lol. Still have one more that needs pulling (in a fortnight) and then a couple of fillings and hopefully I wont be setting foot anywhere near there for a long while!
This is pic is one that one of Abbee's friends took outside the studio while they were waiting the other day to get their professional one done...
Been having a bit of trouble sleeping lately too... last night it was after 5am before I finally fell asleep. Ive always been a bit of a night owl and its extremely rare for me to be in bed before midnight but despite going to bed around the same time I always have lately its take me ages to get to sleep. I think it has alot to do with how much stuff I have going on in my head lately... thinking about what I need to do, wondering how to organise stuff, working out plans etc for things. Fingers crossed my brain will settle down soon and I can get back into my normal routine.
And finally... just for a giggle... me and my friend Michelle decided the kids couldnt have ALL the fun of playing dress ups and photoshoots on the weekend... and here is the result...
Loving your photoshoot....watch out Midsummer night dream!
Dee said... November 13, 2008 at 7:44 AM
LOVE the cupcake card! LOL
Toni said... November 13, 2008 at 11:03 AM
lol - great catch up chooken - loving the pics of course - and Jeds is a rippa - good on him for loving a self portrait lol so does Aunty Molly!
Anonymous said... November 14, 2008 at 6:39 PM
LOL an emo cup cake...You did well with the criteria!
Kirsty said... November 15, 2008 at 11:10 AM
Great layouts, Love what you did with the word "listen"!
Lynn said... November 15, 2008 at 3:34 PM
Rachy your new layout looks totally awesome, that photo of your daughter just looks stunning.....
And you will so have to scrap the fairies in the garden photo, loved those shot's......
Maria said... November 17, 2008 at 9:53 AM
Forgot to mention you have just been tagged!
Want to know 5 things about you that we don't know........
Maria said... November 17, 2008 at 10:54 AM
LOL...at that pic
Wendy Smith said... November 19, 2008 at 2:45 PM
Hey Rach!! It's Rachel from Gutter Girlz You are one of our winners!! Be sure to hop over and give us your mailing address!!
Mrs Pretzel said... November 20, 2008 at 4:25 AM
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